The jQuery Example

Are you getting paid fairly? Calculate the minimum required payment for performing offers under the City's App-Based Worker Minimum Payment Ordinance.

Was this offer performed in whole or part within City of Seattle on or after January 13, 2024?

City of Seattle App-Based Worker Minimum Payment Ordinance goes into effect on January 13, 2024. Therefore, this pay calculator applies only to offers performed in whole or part within City of Seattle on or after January 13, 2024.

Did you have to start performing this offer (e.g. driving to a business stop or work location) within two hours after you accepted the offer?

Did you accept the offer within the City of Seattle?

I accepted the offer within the City of Seattle
I accepted the offer outside the City, but had a work-related stop inside the City

Did you accept the offer within the City of Seattle

I accepted the offer within the City of Seattle
I accepted the offer outside the City, but had a work-related stop inside the City

Minimum Fare

The pay rates provided by this calculator are designed to be informational and educational only, for illustrative purposes. This tool provides a rough approximation of pay and the City of Seattle cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. Per-minute and per-mile rates on this calculator will increase as the compensation schedule increases. See full compensation schedule for more details. Complete income calculations or comparisons may require additional information which is not gathered in this calculator. The figures produced by the calculator are hypothetical only and may not be applicable to your individual situation. The City of Seattle is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by this tool. For offers less than $5, workers must make at least $5.